أضرار الكوكايين وعلاجه

What are the harms of cocaine and its treatment?

Cocaine addiction and abuse

Cocaine side effects and treatment

Cocaine is a drug used primarily for recreational purposes. However, while some people can use drugs occasionally without any problems, others will go on to develop a crippling addiction that can ruin their lives. Cocaine use can greatly increase the risk of addiction as well as a fatal overdose. It is therefore essential to understand more about this disease and the consequences of cocaine use. If you need rehabilitation right away, contact us now.

Cocaine is a widely used drug in the party scene, but as a highly addictive substance, the potential for drug abuse is extremely high. Since the spikes experienced when using this drug can be very strong but also short-lived, the temptation to use more is very strong.

Many cocaine users will continue to use the drug to prolong the pleasurable effects, but this can make it difficult to resist the craving for more.

Furthermore, the fact that most people experience misfortune when the effects wear off makes the potential for abuse higher. Those trying to avoid the unpleasant symptoms associated with cocaine may continue to take cocaine until the drug runs out or they collapse from exhaustion.

What is cocaine?

Cocaine is an illegal Class A stimulant drug, popular as a recreational drug. Due to the feelings it produces, it is commonly used in the party scene. The drug is usually available as a white powder and is known as “coke” in most circles. However, there is another form of the drug known as crack cocaine, which is known as such because it comes in the form of small rocks or lumps that crack when burned.

Cocaine can make users feel good. They may feel alert and confident, to the point of feeling like they can do anything. Unfortunately, this can result in some people being exposed to unnecessary risks while the medication is under effect. Many of them become self-confident and reckless, to the detriment of themselves and / or others.

Cocaine use also reduces hunger and also allows individuals to stay awake for extended periods of time, perhaps one of the main reasons why it is such a popular party drug. Those who are under the influence of cocaine feel energetic and can dance for hours on end without feeling tired.

Is cocaine addictive?

Cocaine is one of the most addictive illegal drugs available, and those who use it tend to have a strong craving for more. Although not everyone who takes a drug will develop an addiction, others will develop a problem after their first use.

Because of the way cocaine affects the pleasure and reward centers in the brain, the urge to use more is very strong and can occur almost instantly. Furthermore, tolerance to cocaine can develop very quickly, which means that more of the drug is required to achieve the same level of height.

Drug Abuse Research Center

CESAR in the United States states that it is possible to become addicted to cocaine after just one use. She also says that while any use of cocaine has risks in terms of addiction, the greatest risk comes with crack cocaine because it is smoked.

Compulsive drug use develops more quickly when a substance is smoked because it reaches the brain more quickly than other forms of administration. This makes cocaine more addictive than regular snorted cocaine.

How do people use cocaine?

The powder version of cocaine is usually placed on a flat surface and divided into stripes. Then the lines are sniffed through the nose. Some users rub the powder along the gum line or smear it on a cigarette filter before smoking it.

Cocaine can also be wrapped in cigarette paper and rolled up. Users then swallow this “bomb”; The term for doing this is “parachute jumping”.

Cocaine Freebase is one of the least popular versions of the drug. It is a specially prepared crystal-like powder that can be smoked. Crack cocaine can also be smoked, which is usually through a plastic bottle, glass tube, or tube.

It is possible to inject cocaine, and both crack cocaine and the powder version can be heated until they form a liquid. Then this liquid is placed in a syringe and injected into a vein. Call us now for assistance 00201029275503

How does cocaine abuse lead to addiction?

Some people can use cocaine recreationally and never become addicted; However, due to its potential for abuse, it is a very dangerous and commonly addictive drug. Once in the body, it goes straight to the brain and causes intense feelings of euphoria and alertness. The highs associated with cocaine are more intense the faster it reaches the brain.

Cocaine works by stimulating the pleasure centers in the brain. When that happens, it causes the release of feel-good chemicals known as dopamine. When dopamine is released naturally, it is absorbed by the brain shortly thereafter. It tends to release naturally when you encounter something you associate with pleasure, like the smell of food you want to eat, for example.

Cocaine and Dopamine

When dopamine is released after cocaine is ingested, it is not absorbed by the brain because the drug prevents this from happening. This can lead to a buildup of dopamine in the brain, causing feelings of intense happiness. It is these exhilarating feelings that make the drug so addictive.

As cocaine use continues, the brain modifies its response and will begin to release fewer dopamine chemicals in response to its use. This leads to diminished feelings of pleasure, known as increased tolerance. If you have developed a tolerance for cocaine, you will need larger and higher amounts of the drug each time to achieve the feelings you crave. This can lead to repeated use in higher amounts, often resulting in physical and psychological dependence. Being dependent on cocaine means that your risk of addiction will increase exponentially.

Understanding cocaine addiction

The risk of cocaine addiction is increased among those with certain risk factors. As mentioned earlier, not everyone who takes a drug will develop an addiction. There are some individuals who can take cocaine occasionally without experiencing any major problems, but there are those who only use it once and develop a full-blown addiction that destroys their lives.

These risk factors include a family history of addiction, any mental health disorders, and unresolved emotional trauma. Those with more risk factors will be more prone to addiction; However, even just having every single risk factor does not mean you are guaranteed to be affected.

Cocaine addiction is classified as a compulsive need to use the drug despite knowing that it will have a negative impact on your life. Your behavior is likely to change dramatically if you are addicted to cocaine. Symptoms tend to be psychological or behavioral rather than physical.

You may find that you use cocaine more than you planned, or that you use the drug despite promises to yourself or others that you will not use it. This is because you will not be able to resist pulling the medication on you. Even when you are convinced that you will be able to walk away from him, you may find it very difficult to do so when the cravings flare up.

Maybe you’ve been hooked on cocaine lately, and your whole life may now revolve around it. This may mean that you are spending less time with the ones you love, and you may have lost interest or motivation for anything else. Your strong desire to take drugs may cause you to do things you never dreamed of doing before, such as lying to or stealing from loved ones.

Moreover, you may become increasingly paranoid, which in itself can lead to feelings of anxiety or aggressive behavior. Obviously, this will have a negative impact on your quality of life, but it can also affect those around you as well. Your relationships are likely to suffer from cocaine addiction.

Cocaine addiction statistics

Cocaine was the second most used drug in England and Wales among people aged 16 to 59 in 2016/2017, after cannabis.

About 2.3% of people in this age group admitted to using cocaine, which equates to about 760,000 people.

Cocaine was also the second most popular drug after cannabis in 16- to 24-year-olds.

About 297,000 young adults, or 4.8%, admitted to using the drug.

The number of individuals using cocaine in 2016/2017 was slightly higher than in 2015/2016, with 2.2% of 16-59 years old and 4.4% of 16-24 years using it.

9.6% of those ages 16 to 59 have admitted to using powdered cocaine at some point in their lives. Again, this was second only to cannabis.

61% of powder cocaine users admitted to using the drug once or twice a year.

Men were three times more likely to use powdered cocaine than women, with 3.3% of men using the drug compared to 1.3% of women.

Powder cocaine use was nearly ten times higher among people who visited a nightclub at least four times in the previous month compared to those who had not visited a nightclub in the previous month.

16.1% of those who visited a nightclub at least four times in the previous month were cocaine users, compared to 1.5% of those who had not visited a nightclub in the previous month.

Among those who visited a bar or bar at least nine times in the previous month, 10% used powdered cocaine. Only 0.6% of those who had not visited a bar or bar in the previous month had used the drug.

Powder cocaine use among the long-term unemployed increased from 0.7% in 2015/16 to 2.7% in 2016/2017.

Understanding cocaine dependence and tolerance

Tolerance occurs when most mood-altering substances are abused (whether on purpose or otherwise). When you continue to use a drug like cocaine, your brain will adapt to it and change the way it responds when you take it. What this means for you is that you are not likely to feel the same happiness when taking the medication.

An increased tolerance for cocaine often causes users to increase the amount they use in order to achieve the feelings of happiness they desire. However, your tolerance to cocaine does not necessarily mean that you have a dependency.

As you continue to use cocaine, you will likely find that your brain and body begin to depend on it for normal physiological functioning. You may also experience a range of symptoms as the effects of the medication begin to wear off. Cocaine dependence is characterized by physical and psychological symptoms such as fatigue, increased appetite, and cravings for the drug.

Can a person take an overdose of cocaine?

The risk of overdose is very high for cocaine users. The cravings experienced by cocaine users often lead to the drug being taken in very high doses. But since cocaine is a stimulant drug, taking it in high doses can over-stimulate many of the body’s functions. Cocaine raises the body temperature and can lead to a rapid heartbeat and high blood pressure. At high doses, these effects are amplified and can lead to organ failure and death.

Symptoms of a cocaine overdose include:

It is important to realize that an overdose of cocaine can occur when it is combined with other substances. It is especially dangerous to mix cocaine with alcohol, although this is something most users do regularly.

If you have taken a high dose of cocaine or mixed it with another substance and are experiencing any of the symptoms listed above, it is essential to seek medical help immediately. The same is true if you are with someone who develops the above symptoms after taking high doses of the drug. Prompt medical attention can greatly improve your chances of recovery from a cocaine overdose.

How can an overdose of cocaine be treated?

If you’re with someone who you think may be suffering from a cocaine overdose, there are a few things you can do while waiting for medical help. It is important to try to lower a person’s temperature, this can be done by applying a cold compress to his body.

It is also important to know what to do in the event of a seizure. Ensure that the individual is in a safe position and that there is nothing around them that could cause harm, such as sharp objects. Lay the person on their side, which helps keep the airway clear, but don’t try to squeeze them or restrict their movements. If you remember, specify the duration of the shift so that you can pass this information on to the emergency services team when they arrive.

Medical staff can treat a cocaine overdose in several ways. It is important to have tests to check the levels of cocaine and other substances in the body. The tests will also help give employees a better idea of ​​which treatments will be effective. It may be necessary to take a sedative drug such as a benzodiazepine to reduce agitation and to help prevent the individual from harming themselves.

It will be necessary to reduce the temperature of the individual, and this can be done with intravenous saline or ice packs. Heart disorders should also be screened to reduce the risk of heart attack or stroke. If necessary, medication will be given.

 Consequences of cocaine use (what does cocaine do)

Cocaine can seem like an attractive drug to those looking for a way to enjoy themselves, but as you’ve gathered by now, taking it can lead to serious consequences. Tolerance to cocaine can occur very quickly and can lead to physical and psychological dependence. This, in turn, can develop into addiction.

Cocaine users risk overdoses when they take the drug in high doses, but due to the breakdown associated with the drug’s waning effects, many users will continue to take it to prolong the euphoric effects. Some will mix it with other substances in the hope of enhancing the effects, but this too can lead to serious consequences.

Regular inhalation of cocaine can damage the septum (the cartilage in the nose that separates the nostrils). In fact, actress Daniela Westbrook shocked the world when photos of her collapsed septum appeared in the tabloids in 2000, when she was at the height of her fame. The photos highlighted her excessive cocaine use, which led to her being examined in a rehab center. She later admitted that she first tried cocaine at the age of 14 when she was in a nightclub.

Her drug abuse escalated, and she was later estimated to have spent more than £250,000 on the drug, even admitting to using 5g of cocaine a day during her first pregnancy. She also admitted that she attempted suicide several times as she struggled to overcome her addiction.

Daniela’s story is just one example of the consequences of cocaine abuse. Drug users can have both short- and long-term problems. For example, the risk of heart disease increases dramatically among cocaine users, regardless of how much of the drug is used.

Those who take the drug daily can suffer from malnutrition and fatigue due to the effects of cocaine on sleep patterns and appetite. The longer the medication is used, the higher the risk of permanent damage to organs including the liver, lungs, kidneys, and brain.


In fact, research has shown that cocaine abuse can accelerate brain aging. University of Cambridge neuroscientist Dr Karen Ersh has found that the brains of cocaine addicts lose twice as much brain volume per year as non-users. In a report in LiveScience, Dr. Ersh said that many middle-aged cocaine addicts show certain signs of aging, such as cognitive decline.

However, cocaine abuse not only causes health problems. It can have a severe impact on quality of life, with a particular focus on relationships with family members and friends. Cocaine addicts often become erratic and unpredictable and many suffer from paranoia, which makes them aggressive.

This obviously has a devastating effect on their family members, who may struggle to deal with changes in the personality of their loved ones. In some cases, relationships can be pushed to the breaking point, with many suffering irreparable damage.

Cocaine and other drugs

Cocaine users often mix the drug with other substances in the hope of enhancing the effects. However, doing so is very dangerous. Those who abuse cocaine with sedative drugs can be lulled into believing that cocaine is not working for them because the effects will be diminished.

This can easily lead to taking higher doses of cocaine to achieve the feelings they desire, and not realizing that higher levels of the drug can lead to a fatal overdose. A similar result can occur when cocaine is mixed with another stimulant drug. The effects of each substance will be enhanced, and the results are often fatal.

Teenage cocaine abuse

Despite warnings about the dangers of illegal drugs like cocaine, many teens will sip the drug at least once. There are many reasons why teens might consider using cocaine. For some it is pure curiosity. They will convince themselves that there is no harm in trying a drug once, and many believe they will never become addicted.

Others are pressured to try the drug by their peers and fear being ridiculed or ridiculed if they refuse to do so. Some use it out of boredom while others are looking for a way to escape some of life’s problems. They may be dealing with the effects of a traumatic experience, or they may be looking for a way to change how they feel.

Whatever the reasons, the risk of addiction exists for anyone who abuses cocaine. It’s important to be alert for signs of drug abuse in your teen or daughter. A sudden change in behavior along with decreased school performance and a change of friends may indicate a problem, especially if you also notice physical symptoms such as decreased appetite, mood swings, and fatigue.

cocaine abuse treatment

Treatment of cocaine addiction is critical because it can prevent the development of a full-blown addiction. If you abuse cocaine, your risk of addiction is very high, so acting fast may prevent your life from spiraling out of control.

It is important to seek help if you are using cocaine and notice that you need more of it to achieve the level of satisfaction you want. Increasing the amount of cocaine you use can lead you down the path to addiction, so it is best to seek professional help as soon as possible.

You may find that a mutual support group such as Cocaine Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous can help. These fellowship support groups operate throughout the UK and are the perfect place to go for support for cocaine abuse.

You can also consult your doctor for information about other options that will help you get your life back on track. You should know that cocaine addiction is notoriously difficult to treat due to the cravings that accompany it. In our mutual support group, you will get tips on how to deal with these cravings.

It’s also a good idea to find other ways to occupy your time. Finding new interests, such as hobbies, can give you some focus and a place to direct your attention if you find yourself facing temptations. It is also necessary to avoid people and places that you associate with cocaine use. This should help you quit the medication.

Cure for cocaine addiction?

If you already suffer from cocaine addiction, you will almost certainly need professional help to get better. As mentioned earlier, it can be difficult to break the cycle of cocaine abuse due to the cravings you are likely to experience when you quit smoking.

Cocaine addiction is usually treated through a detox and rehabilitation program. A detox is required to help you quit the drug and the best way to complete it in a dedicated detox facility. Within this facility, your symptoms can be effectively managed to help reduce the impact. You will also find it easier to abstain from cocaine when detoxing in a safe clinic, where you have the support of fully trained staff at all times.

Trying to quit cocaine at home will be a challenge for most people, and many people will go back to the drug when cravings return, which often happens after the first week. The treatment is often used during the detox process once you are able to benefit from it, which is another reason to detox in a dedicated center.

It can then be continued during rehabilitation, where talk therapies such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) are especially helpful. Cognitive behavioral therapy helps you learn more about your addiction and the negative thoughts driving your behavior. It is also used to help you change the way you react to negative thoughts.

While treating cocaine addiction, you will likely be given a variety of treatments that will also include holistic therapies such as meditation and mindfulness. These methods can help improve your overall health and can be used to reduce cravings.

Pharmacotherapies and approaches to treating cocaine abuse

Currently, there are no medications approved for use to relieve cocaine elimination, but there are some that can relieve symptoms that occurred during this process. As your brain has adapted to using cocaine, it may be because it is struggling with the production of neurotransmitters on its own.

Medications can help calm the central nervous system as your brain learns to function without cocaine. Gabapentin can help boost the release of the neurotransmitter GABA, which is necessary to relieve symptoms of anxiety. GABA is a natural brain calming chemical.

You may also experience fatigue and drowsiness while withdrawing from cocaine. If this is the case, your doctor may prescribe a medication called modafinil, which can help encourage dopamine production and help promote healthy sleep patterns.

Medication is usually used in conjunction with treatment to provide a person’s complete approach to recovering from cocaine.

 Withdrawal and detoxification

To overcome cocaine addiction, you will first have to quit using the drug, and the process you now know is withdrawal, or detoxification. When you quit using cocaine, you are likely to experience deep depression, so this along with drug cravings may mean that returning to drug use may seem like a good idea to you at the time. For this reason, a cocaine detox is most effective when done in a dedicated detox facility. To get through the withdrawal process, you will need round-the-clock care and support.

 Cocaine Rehabilitation Options for Obtaining and Maintaining Hygiene

Once the detox is completed, treatment of the underlying problems associated with the disease can begin. This is known as rehabilitation and is usually done in an outpatient or inpatient setting here in the UK. Rehabilitation programs are provided by many different organisations, including private clinics, charitable organizations and the NHS.

For information about your options, talk to your doctor or use an online database that contains details of the various programs in your area. You can also contact us here at Future for information on private residential programs. Call us now for assistance 00201029275503

Frequently asked questions

What are the effective treatments for cocaine addiction?

Is treatment of cocaine addiction effective?

How does cocaine affect the brain?

What are the other health effects of cocaine use?

What is cross addiction? What do you do when you recognize the signs of addiction?

Am I addicted?

Knowing when someone needs help?

Does cocaine have any legitimate medical uses?

Are there dangerous hidden ingredients in cocaine?

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