ما هي المراحل الصحيحة والأكثر أمانا في علاج إدمان الكبتاجون

What are the correct and safest stages in the treatment of Captagon addiction?

Captagon Addiction Treatment I didn’t think the transformation that took place with this drug, from someone who had fears and lost my life and family, to a successful person with a new and healthy life, happened to me when I started turning to a doctor; He advised me to go to the Abu Rjeila Center.

There are many comprehensive and integrated treatment programs in this center that I underwent, and through those programs I did not face any kind of pain, quite the contrary, my journey passed to get rid of the effects of Captagon, and the withdrawal symptoms of Captagon addiction went away quite easily; And with it, she made a full recovery.

What is Captagon addiction and how does it occur?
The journey of Captagon addiction begins this way; When a person wants to stay awake for a long time on him with Captagon, when he wants to drive while he is awake without having to sleep, he also has Captagon, when he wants to feel euphoric and happy, then there are Captagon pills; Thus, Captagon is presented and its addiction journey begins… You must know how Captagon addiction occurs before you know the best effective ways to treat Captagon addiction.

Addiction to Captagon occurs as a result of excessive use of the drug and causing the body to become completely dependent on it, and fall into the clutches of addiction due to several reasons. Including the following:

Captagon is the most important stimulant of the nervous system in the human brain, and Captagon is derived from the phenethylene family found in amphetamines, as well as many other chemicals.
Excessive use of Captagon causes psychological dependence on abusers, and also leaves severe psychological and physical symptoms, which in turn, the addict cannot stop taking these pills, and when he decides to stop, he feels withdrawal symptoms, which are the most objectionable to the addicted person because of the pain they cause.
Captagon influences a state of alertness and hyperactivity among its users, and this has led to the spread of its use among many groups and classes, the most important of which is the fighting groups.
Strong symptoms that require medical intervention using specialized drug protocols to deal with these symptoms; At the Abu Rjeila Center; These symptoms are monitored during the treatment stages of Captagon addiction until it is eliminated and the Captagon addict reaches full recovery.
What are the symptoms and complications caused by Captagon addiction?
Symptoms of Captagon addiction:
Feeling of pain in the chest and heart.
Constant vigilance.
Not feeling tired or exhausted.
difficulty urinating
high temperatures;
Paleness in the color of the face.
Having a dark aura around the eyes.
tremor in the hands;
Extreme coldness in the extremities of the legs and hands.
A person’s lack of appetite and poor appetite.
Dilated pupils when exposed to sunlight.
The mouth emits some foul odor.
Constant cracks in the user’s lips.
causes itching in the nose a lot; Where these blisters dry the mucous membrane.
Complications of Captagon Addiction:
Atrophy of cerebellar cells, causing impaired mental activity and destruction of the nervous system.
Exposure to digestive disorders and hepatitis C.
The blood vessels in the brain are completely destroyed, and as the condition progresses, it leads to bleeding in the brain and death immediately follows.
Feeling persecuted and crying for no reason.
Women who take Captagon pills during pregnancy are at risk of fetal malformation and miscarriage.
Excessive use of pills as an alternative to sexual stimulants leads to impotence, and sometimes frigidity.
The heart rate accelerates very quickly, accompanied by a decrease in the process of breathing.

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