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Stress and addiction treatment

Stress and addiction treatment

Stress is your body’s reaction to stress that requires a lot of physical, emotional or mental adjustments during excessive stress or long work. Tension comes from situations that lead to frustration, anger, and nervousness. These situations stimulate the hypothalamus gland in the brain. The work of the hypothalamus is concerned with regulating between stress and relaxation in the body and during stress. The hypothalamic gland sends a nerve signal to the pituitary gland, then the pituitary gland sends chemical signals through the blood to the adrenal glands, which are located above each of the kidneys. The rate of digestion and pupil dilation in both eyes.
These two hormones also work to expand the blood vessels in the muscles to provide them with large amounts of blood and oxygen. These changes put the body in an exceptional state to face danger, called fight and flight. Extreme tension makes the body work beyond its energy, and this leads to complete exhaustion and may even lead to extreme stress. Extreme stress is reaching To complete exhaustion due to nervous and tense situations Signs of extreme stress Insomnia Lack of sleep Headaches, fever and rapid nervousness Causes of extreme stressful fatigue for a long period of time in an environment full of difficult requirements beyond the body’s energy or excessive and also working hard for free Extreme exhaustion leads to apathy at work Loss of appetite and excessive forgetfulness. Other effects include the difficulty of finding a private time for the person or his family, and the increased use of drugs, smoking and alcohol, in addition to drug and alcohol addiction, and not only abuse. If the person suffers from severe exhaustion, it is important to go to a specialist doctor for help.
Attention should be shown to the person who suffers from severe stress and exhaustion. It is necessary to consult a health care professional or a psychiatrist. The person who suffers from severe stress should also be encouraged and motivated, as it is treatable. The stressed person also needs to be embraced and taken care of, as the possibility that many of us will be exposed to circumstances that lead to increased psychological stress There are some tips that can help you solve the problem of tension, so try to stay away or avoid dealing with people who are annoying to you and try as much as possible not to speak nervously or emotionally with others. Every opportunity you have to enjoy the outdoors, try not to pressure yourself or carry yourself more than you can bear so as not to fall into the trap of nervousness. Bear the mistakes of others patiently, remember how much you have sinned with them, and forgive you.
If you face a problem and you are nervous, try to solve it at another time and take care of getting the appropriate amount of sleep so that the number of sleep hours is not less than eight hours. It is possible to stay up late and take stimulant drinks such as tea and coffee at least six hours before bedtime. Try to do any exercise at all, even at home in a simple way. Try to sit in quiet places and drink sweet drinks for you. Some doctors advise when sleeping to stay away from the mobile phone and not put it under Pillow, as some people do. Try to identify the cause of stress and get rid of it. Unfortunately, some people turn to drug addiction, thinking that this is the solution, but if they look for a treatment for stress, they will no longer look for a drug addiction treatment.

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