Rehabilitation after addiction treatment

This stage is divided into three main components, the first of which are:
The stage of practical rehabilitation, and this process aims to restore the addict to his abilities and effectiveness in his field of work and treat the problems that prevent his return to work. and society alike, and this is a treatment for the so-called khul’ phenomenon (where addiction leads to the dislocation of the addict from the network of family and social relationships, and the treatment here depends on improving the relationship between the two parties) the addict on the one hand and the family and society on the other hand (and training them to accept and understand each other and help the addict To restore the confidence of his family and society in him and give him a new opportunity to prove his seriousness and his keenness on recovery and a normal life.
Prevention of relapses is intended to follow up the patient after a period of drug addiction treatment for periods ranging from six months to two years from the beginning of treatment, and this is through the specialized clinic.

Therapeutic procedures in rehabilitation Rehabilitation and treatment are two sides of the same coin. It is not possible to be satisfied with the treatment stage only without reaching the ultimate goal of treatment, which is (rehabilitation) to transform this addicted individual into an active member of the society in which he lives, so there are no boundaries in that journey. Therapeutic treatment for the addicted individual. Rather, they are formal stages that overlap with each other. Providing treatment and integrated rehabilitation medically, psychologically and socially is the required thing for addicts. The state, according to international conventions to which it is a party, must take care of treatment and rehabilitation for addicts and complete the road to its end, starting with prevention, then treatment and ending thereafter. Rehabilitation and then any attempt to evade that would offend the state in international forums in different forms and at different levels. It is noted that these international agreements have never stipulated that the state should change its basic philosophy in this regard. Rehabilitation, along with the reasons for punishment, and to reach the stage of re-run, it is necessary to go through several stages.
Emergency measures, which are measures taken in the face of some cases that may be exposed to what is called acute pathological poisoning. A person may have a violent attack in which some people close to him harm or try to damage furniture or material property, as a result of taking a dose of alcohol, depressants, or hallucinogens. The seizures are due to an overdose, or because the user is new to drug use, or because he has recently gone through a severe emotional crisis. The purpose of some pharmacological intervention. Some cases may also suddenly be exposed to the so-called symptoms of neurotic psychosis. Some types of sensory deception may appear in the person, and some hallucinations and delusions may appear. In these cases, the doctor may need a limited amount of pharmacological intervention.
Body cleansing procedures and sometimes called drug withdrawal, and they are procedures that depend on the one hand on the type of drug and on the other hand on the therapist in applying them. The treatment plan may take the form of gradually withdrawing the drug. Here, the therapist supervising the process does not need any intervention from medications and is satisfied with guiding the user in all stages and reassuring him And encouragement, and the period that ends from four days to seven days, according to the type of substance with short-term activity, such as heroin, for example, ten days, in the case of long-acting substances such as opium, it may be longer from ten days to six weeks.

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