علاج ادمان المخدرات بالقران

How to treat drug addiction in the Quran ?

Drug addiction treatment with the Quran Islamic law seeks to protect faith in God by promoting life, preserving possessions, and maintaining a healthy mental state. The Islamic view of drug and alcohol abuse is quite clear that drugs or alcohol should be avoided (with some reservations about the use of alcohol).

The use of materials in the Islamic community

Because of cultural difficulties in obtaining survey data from individuals with strong Islamic beliefs, there is little reliable data on the prevalence of drug use in individuals who describe themselves as Muslim. Most of the data comes from clinical samples (the sample of participants in hospitals or other treatment centers).

Best guess estimates indicate that overall drug use rates for individuals in Muslim communities are typically reported as lower than those of individuals in other religions, with a few countries showing slightly greater variance. For example, alcohol use is often lowest among Muslims compared to any other religion. However, due to severe restrictions on the use of substances that are part of the Islamic faith, these reports may not be reliable. Furthermore, other substances that are not seen as prohibited, such as khat, may have higher use rates than traditional addictive drugs and alcohol in this population.

The research indicates that drug and alcohol use among individuals who identify as Muslims is significantly lower in those who have stronger commitments to their religion than those who do not. In addition, there may be a geographic difference in drug use and Muslims. For example, higher rates of alcohol use in the past year were reported by college students who describe themselves as Muslims in the United States compared to those in other countries. Thus, actual prevalence rates of drug use among self-described Muslim individuals are likely lower than the general population, but reliable estimates are not available.

Factors that increase the risk of drug abuse

The main risk factors that appear to contribute to the increased risk of drug use among Muslims. It is the level of acculturation in a particular region (for example, the United States) and their commitment to Islam. The higher the level of acculturation (knowledge of the prevailing culture in the area in which the individual lives…as opposed to his or her traditional cultural norms) and the lower the level of adherence to one’s religious beliefs, the higher the likelihood of drug abuse.

Individuals with the highest levels of acculturation and the lowest levels of adherence to their religious beliefs. They are often younger individuals who may attempt to hide potential drug use from family members, thus hindering the identification of substance use disorders in these individuals.

It is generally considered that tobacco and alcohol are the main substances of abuse among individuals who identify as Muslims, especially males. There may also be increased rates of abuse of prescription drugs in this population. But again, reliable data doesn’t seem to be available. You’re not alone. You deserve help. AAC is a leading addiction treatment company. Our team of top medical experts specialize in dual diagnosis treatment and are committed to ensuring that each patient is treated as an individual. Call us today, we are available 24/7. Call now 00201029275503

Get help (treatment of drug addiction with the Quran )

Formal treatment of any substance use disorder will attempt to follow empirically proven approaches. Medication use, therapy, and involvement of support groups are important components of treating substance use disorder in all individuals; However, it is also important to modify the general approach to suit the needs of the individual. This personal adjustment involves understanding the cultural background of the individual seeking treatment and adjusting the program to suit the person’s needs.

One finding in the research literature is that the treatment is equally effective for individuals who enter treatment voluntarily and for those who are compelled or coerced to enter treatment. There are a lot of individual differences in how individuals who are forced into treatment respond, and whether or not these individuals have more difficulty recovering. Because of the strong ban on drug use in Islam, it may very well be that Muslims will not voluntarily seek professional treatment due to the stigma associated with drug use in this group. Alternatively, they may be “forced” to seek help by family members, friends, employers, or even the legal system.

Treatment considerations (treatment of drug addiction by the Quran)

Treatment providers need to understand the characteristics of the person undergoing treatment before finalizing a treatment plan for that individual. One of the first principles of treating drug abuse individuals while adhering to Islam is that treatment should be very private. It is important that it is strictly kept confidential. And that the person’s participation in treatment is disclosed only with the permission of the person and his family members.

According to Muslim Guidance: Handbook of Mental Health Issues and Interventions and Handbook of Arab American Psychology. There are some considerations to keep in mind when Muslim individuals seek addiction treatment.

Continue treatment considerations

It is necessary to incorporate aspects of Islam into the treatment program. for example . Specialized 12-step groups should focus. On the Islamic adoption of the 12 steps, such as the use of the Islamic concept of God.
There must be an emphasis on Islamic principles. Counselors and therapists should be individuals that the client can identify with. Most often, male consultants must work with male clients. And female guides should work with female clients, although this may not always be the case.
Family counseling with an Islamic approach to treatment can be very helpful.
It can be useful to develop goals and help a person invest his energy in goals related to the afterlife as envisioned by Islam.
Consider an emphasis on rote learning of relapse prevention principles and techniques. Without using complex explanations of psychological theories/principles that may conflict with the teachings of Islam.
Encouraging the performance of other duties and customs associated with Islam is very important.
The use of drugs during treatment should have sufficient justification.
Like therapists, consulting physicians should be of the same faith and gender if possible.
If possible, getting religious leaders to talk to clients and convince them that repentance, treatment, and abstinence can lead to tolerance is very important.
Avoiding the belief that a client has committed unforgivable sins by having a substance use disorder is critical.
Clients should be encouraged to share their recovery experiences with others.
The use of a positive, caring, approach integrated with the positive principles and practices of Islam appears to be the best approach for these individuals.

Continue treatment considerations

Abstinence should be a goal of recovery in the treatment of substance use disorder. This is consistent with the principles of Islam and is often accepted by clients who are being treated for substance abuse problems.

It is important to include an important psycho-educational component in the program to ensure that the client understands that although he or she is on a positive path to recovery, However, the possibility of relapse can still be high. Helping them adhere to and adapt their philosophical beliefs to recovery is critical.

Getting them to stay in treatment-related activities once they think they have addressed their issues may be a problem. It is suggested that these individuals focus on adhering to their religious commitment as a form of activity related to long-term ongoing therapy.

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