Definition of addiction

Addiction has many definitions, but there is almost agreement or agreement on basic things, and the definition differs from the linguistic and scientific point of view. From the linguistic point of view, the word narcotics comes from the verb numb, which is among its meanings of concealment. The drug covers the nervous system and prevents it from performing its function. He feels drowsy and sleepy, and causes the absence of consciousness accompanied by pain relief, and these substances are poisonous to the nervous system
And it makes the individual unable to control his actions and behavior. This is about the drug itself. As for addiction, it is dependence on the drug completely. This condition is a psychological or organic state that is the production of the interaction of the organism with the drug. Through the drug, and there are some theories that have tried to explain the behavior of addiction, there is the cognitive theory, which depends on the great role that thinking or belief plays in the emergence of psychological disorder, and it also includes factors that affect behavior and emotion in humans
From an environmental or chemical point of view, what a person experiences of problems and frustrations causes a person to have an addictive behavior and maintain it. In some cognitive theories that a person’s will to adjust his mood is a factor in drug addiction. There are theories that say that there is no addict or addictive behavior, but the possibility of addiction for all psychological and neurological conditions They refer the possibility of addiction to a psychological disorder that occurs to the addict since childhood. This theory is due to the disturbance of family relations between the child and the parents or the family, and this disorder is represented in the feeling of love or hatred between the family or between the child and one of the parents
This theory, psychoanalysis, confirms that the addict is looking for a balance between himself and his real life by resorting to drugs to satisfy childish needs that exist in his subconscious mind and are unconscious. It is characterized by depression, withdrawal, and introversion, and it varies from one addict to another, and it changes with drugs.
Of course, individual differences are the biggest influence on the above discussion. The addict is considered an individual who takes drugs because he is unable to cope with conflicts. The mental organization of the addict indicates weak narcissism and low self-esteem. It also indicates that most addicts belong to a personality in nature and formed by depression. The drug addict does not continue to be addicted to the drug unless there are some conditions represented in factors A danger such as violence or aggression. The first use of the drug is not the addict looking for any desire to repeat the experience, but the first experience raises the urgent need to express aggression or violence towards the environment and satisfy the tendency of violence is what makes the individual achieve a narcissistic success that he could not achieve before and this experience becomes programmed In the addict’s imagination and make him happy, who here wants to renew the experience again
Signs of abuse begin to appear, and the matter turns from abuse to addiction, and there are many theories that say that addiction is a disease that a person resorts to in order to treat himself from another disease, and this disease is a mental illness such as anxiety and depression, and they resort to drugs as a treatment, as well as going to doctors or psychiatrists and for this reason always look The disease of addiction is considered a mental illness and that the most important stage of treatment for it is not the stage of detoxification from the body, but the second stage, which is psychological treatment, of the reasons that made him go into addiction.


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